Service to each other and our community is an important focus for our group. Learn about our past and current efforts.

Each quarter we choose a new focus for our service initiatives. From there we put together projects, events, fundraisers and more. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to get involved!

  • 2022 - 2nd Quarter

    Childhood Literacy


    *Host a Book Drive for Bookfest 2022

    *Assembling Adventure! Craft kits for Eugene Public Library

  • 2022 - 1st Quarter

    Our focus for this quarter is Food Insecurity. We have several projects in progress around this.

    *Raise funds via restaurant fundraisers.

    *Build and support a Little Free Pantry.

    *Host a booth at a community garage sale as a charity fundraiser for FOOD For Lane County.

  • 2021 - 4th Quarter

    As it was our first quarter as a group we chose to support the Eugene Mission. Members donated funds and goods to the MIssion in December.